Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sewing Basics part one


Teaching your child to sew is easier than you think. I will be posting quick and easy projects to have your preschooler sewing in no time. These projects are great for fine motors skills. I recommend starting your 2 yr olds with wooden lacing cards using shoe strings then graduating to plastic needles and yarn. These tutorials are for a preschool child of age 3 or 4.. My daughter is 3 1/3 if you are wondering!


Teaching your little one about the items they will be using is about the most important thing. First up, sewing shears. If your going to be letting your child use your sewing shears remind her that they are NOT for cutting paper, as it dulls the blade.

Needles! Although they can be very fun, they are also dangerous, remind her that needles are sharp and will hurt. Always make sure they go back in your pin cushion when not is use. Explain to her that needles hold the fabric together so you can sew it..

Starting sewing should be a fun process, and short prep time as your little ones attention span maybe not be up to your fun projects! Making your child a sewing gift is a great start..

I used a jelly jar, some scrap fabric and made it into a pin cushion with storage..

inside the jar hold a plastic needle, sharp needle, and a needle threader..

project one: Jar pin cushion

She will love the idea of something of her own, that she will keep her sewing supplies in..

supplies needed:

-scrap fabric-jar-needle and thread-scissors-stuffing-pencil

Start by tracing a circle bigger than your jar lid of your fabric.. cut and pin

I like to make a couple overcast stitches and then use a maker and put dots everywhere I want her to stitch

Let her stitch away. Now here is the hard part, relax and let her sew it, don't take it over and yes it will be messy. Although she may need for help holding the fabric and pointing to the next dot!

Leave a 2 inch space, stuff, finish sewing and place it altogether..

Viola, easier than you thought.. Let her place all her items in and find a special place to keep it!